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Thursday, April 1st, 2010

I’ve been too busy playing addictive videogames to work on anything. Sorry.

State of the Website Address 2010

Monday, February 1st, 2010

I can only sum up the past year with this: “Sometimes that happens.”

I don’t know the exact date, but January marks the tenth anniversary of my website. I’m both proud and ashamed of this fact, so I’m celebrating by getting back on track with the fixing for the first time in months. But at the moment, the only things I have to show for it are a new layout, a blog, and RSS feeds. There are more things I need to fix up before I can put them online, but you should see them in the coming days, or perhaps even before you read this.

I do have some actual new-ish content in the works, but it’s not quite ready yet. I’m not going to make any promises about when, other than, “before 2011.”

Oh, and I may have to change server hosts in the near future, which has slightly hindered some of my plans, but I’m still not sure. Either way, a transition should be relatively easy, so I wouldn’t expect there to be much downtime. If you use the new feed, you’d be able to keep up with the developments easily, though, since that’s not hosted on the server itself.

None of this will apply to the old server for the time being, however. There’s still a lot to do before I can turn it into a proper mirror.

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