Act 28, 21-23 Revised

Despite the date, this is a completely genuine update. Act 28 is done! As is the reprint version, Act 31! Also, Acts 21-23 (23-26 in the reprints) have been revised and given separate scripts. And it all has comparisons, of course. With this, the gap between the old stuff and new stuff is now gone, and everything I’ve done so far has comparisons and separate scripts.

So from now on, it will be all Death Bastards all the time (at least until the arc is over). After a whole year of doing things once a month, I want to try bumping the pace up to two Acts per month. That would still include separate scripts and comparisons, of course. So that means 29-30 (reprint 32-33) is the goal for next month. But we’ll have to see how that works out in practice.

Also, I apologize if this update breaks the RSS feed. I’ve done my best to avoid it, but I’m currently setting up a new site-wide news system and changing stuff around. You can leave comments now!

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