Some Screenshots, Other Little Things

Lots of little things today. First, I’ve started adding screenshots to the anime and movie pages! Just a couple of small ones per finished page, though. I don’t want them to be too large, for copyright reasons. But there’s a good chance I’ll go larger and/or add more per page in the future, once I figure out how I’d want to implement that stuff (in-line images? fancy gallery thing?). I’d also like to do the same with the manga pages, but for the time being I can’t use my scanner. (A reverse of the old days where I could scan but not do screenshots!)

Second, in addition to the two screens, I’ve (finally) fleshed out the miscellaneous section for the first movie. And third, I’ve added more to the terminology page. Not more people names, but place and thing names. Still not going past the revised/new summaries with it, or else that page would be the only thing I ever do.

On that note, there’s something I forgot to mention in the “Episode of Bardock” update. None of the name spellings are exactly “permanent” yet (which is why I haven’t added them to the terminology page). I’ll probably try to decide something for the new characters after the series is finished, and the old characters probably not until I get to the Freeza arc. Not that any of my spellings are necessarily permanent, because I’ve changed my mind and gone through massive find+replace operations more than once.

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